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Month: May 2021

Paintback: how to safely dispose of unwanted paint and varnish

Can’t find a re-use for your old paint, varnish, deck stains or the old paintpots and pails?  Then the Paintback scheme, which celebrated its fifth anniversary in May 2021, can take it for safe disposal. Paintback is open to households and trade users.  It receives unwanted paint and paint packaging from more than 155 Australian […]

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Reusable Modern Cloth Nappies and Wipes

Reusable Vs Disposable Nappies – why make the switch? In Hobart alone, every year approximately 466 tonnes – the equivalent of 100 full garbage trucks – of disposable nappies end up in McRobies Gully landfill. Multiply that across Tasmania and there are millions of disposable nappies being sent to landfill every year, each nappy taking […]

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