The three regional Waste Management Groups have created an awareness raising program to encourage Tasmanians to avoid , reduce and reuse waste.
Tasmanians are pretty good at recycling and although this is a great way to keep waste out of landfill and our environment, there are many other things we can all do to be good sorts and decrease our waste.
It’s important that we try to find ways to reuse and reduce waste, or best of all to avoid generating waste altogether.
Here are some simple ideas being promoted across Tasmania on TV, in newspapers, on radio and social media. Are there one, two or more things you could be doing to rethink waste?
Avoid waste:
Reduce waste:
Reuse waste:
If you haven’t yet seen the Avoid – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle commercials on TV in Tasmania, you can watch them on our Rethink Waste YouTube channel.