Let’s go beyond kerbside recycling in Tasmania…
With less than half of the total possible recyclable and reusable waste generated in Tasmania currently being recovered, we’re hoping that National Recycling Week 2021 (8 – 14 November) will encourage people to discover the big variety of recycling, repair and reuse service available across the state.
Kerbside recycling is the most visible service for most residents, but it is just the tip of the iceberg for reducing landfill waste.
There are many other recycling and resource recovery services supported by Product Stewardship Schemes and by businesses motivated by their environmental and social responsibilities.
Most are free, or low cost, and cover common waste items that are not suitable for kerbside recycling in Tasmania ranging from the soft plastic packaging found on many supermarket products, to electronic waste including TVs, mobile phones and power cables.
Even products made from a mix of different materials which traditionally didn’t have the technology to be salvaged and reused can now be processed through programs such as Upparel for textiles and TerraCycle for composite plastics.
Add to this the growing popularity of Repair Cafes, op-shopping, Buy Nothing and Swap groups, bulk food stores, and our love of Garage Sales and it becomes apparent that there are more ways than not for us all to reduce waste!
So, explore what recycling services are available and let’s all be good sorts with waste in Tasmania. Download the recycling services list here
Want to look deeper into the contents of your kerbside recycling bin in Tasmania?
Download the recycling commodities table
This table shows the average volumes of different recyclables, how they are used, and what the biggest contamination issues are for each.
Get the facts on recycling in Tasmania with our Business of Recycling guide.