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Free Bin Posters – put the right things in the right bins

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Separating waste at the source by putting the right things in the right bins is one of the easiest ways to stop re-usable and recyclable materials from ending up in landfill.

If you have mixed recycling, separate paper and cardboard recycling, food and garden organics collection, a compost bin or general waste collection then help yourself to these colourful posters.

At a glance they help people decide which bin is the right bin for their waste.

And remember, soft plastics including plastic bags and chip & biscuit packets can be recycled at REDCycle bins at Coles and Woolworths supermarkets.

There are five free bin posters available to download:

1. General waste,  no soft plastics allowed
2. General waste, no organic waste or soft plastics allowed
3. Mixed recycling, including paper and cardboard
4. Paper and cardboard recycling
5. Organic waste (for composting or FOGO or chooks!)
